Saturday 28 April 2012

Science Announcement

Dear 4G pupils,

1. Please remember to finish all your corrections for the Cycles Activity Book. Check every single page.
2. Some of you did not submit your Nature Study Book and your Cycles Process Skills booklet. Please ensure that all corrections are done, and submit it on Monday together with your Activity Book.
3. There is no MCOnline activity for this week. However, last week's quizzes (as part of revision of P3 work) will be available until this Sunday, 29th April.

Thanks :)

Saturday 21 April 2012

Science - announcement for Week 5

Dear pupils,

I've prepared some quizzes on MCOnline, under "P4 Science Term 2 Week 5". I hope that they'll encourage you to start revising your P3 Science work. Please spend about 30-40 minutes on them, and make an effort to read any explanations given. 

I'm glad to see more of you using the resources. Keep it up! Remember to rest your eyes after spending some time at the computer/laptop too :) 

I will distribute a Practice Paper for Science on Monday. You will need to time yourselves and try your best to complete it at a single sitting. Thus, please make an effort to finish all your homework this weekend so that you won't accumulate work during the week. 

Take care of yourselves and stay healthy!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

English Homework

4G students are given Voca/Cloze WS 18 as homework. They had completed until WS17. The exams are less than one month away and I hope they can treat their work more seriously.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Maths and Class Announcements

Dear Students,


We have completed Unit 5: Fractions on Friday. We'll be moving on to Unit 6: Angles on Monday. As I've mentioned in class last week, please remember to:
1) Bring along a protractor on 9 April (Monday).

Homework due on Monday:
1) Heuristic Skill Set 9 (Guess and Check Questions 1 - 5)
2) Maths Chapter 5 Worksheet 2
* There are some students who have not handed in your Maths Workbook - Please make sure all corrections are done and practices completed till pg 104.

Class Announcements

1) 3 Forms (Overseas Learning Journey to Thailand, Siblings intending to apply to Endeavour Primary School, SA Scope and Schedule) for Parents' Acknowledgement - Please submit by the datelines mentioned on the forms.

2)SA1 Scope and Schedule

Science - announcement

Dear 4G pupils,

I've prepared something for you in MCOnline to revise on the basics of matter.
1. Experiment to find out if air is matter - this is similar to the one I conducted in class. Please view the video especially if you were absent that day. The video also contains explanations, so it'll be good for all of you to view it again. Let me know if you try it at home!
2. Activity to identify which items are matter and which are not - think carefully about what makes something matter. (M _ _ _ and V _ _ _ _ _ )

The folder is labelled as "P4 Science Term 2 Week 3". It's available until next Sunday, 15/4/12. Please spend 20 minutes on it.

I hope all of you have fun and enjoy your long weekend!

Sunday 1 April 2012

Science - announcement

Dear 4G pupils,

Here are some gentle reminders:
1. Homework - Process Skills Worksheets 10 and 14. Please complete them and bring on Monday
2. Spelling - there is no Spelling in Week 3. Most of you did well for yesterday's Spelling - great job!
3. Textbook - please bring it every Science lesson. You cannot take down notes if you do not bring it. 
4. MCOnline - the activities will be available until Sunday (tomorrow). Till today, only ten of you have completed the activities. Please spend 30 minutes on the activities to refresh your memory on Systems. 

I'd like to clarify about submission of the Vermicomposting worksheet:
- Those who have not submitted must complete your worksheet and submit on Monday
- For those of you who had submitted on Friday and it was not completed, I'll return them to you on Monday and you must re-submit on Wednesday
I am giving two extra days to finish your work. You may use the Internet to search for the answers if you cannot remember details from the presentation I gave last Monday. 

Remember - be responsible for your own learning! :)