Tuesday 27 March 2012

Teaching children dollars and sense - 01

Hi Parents,

Some incidents made me wanted to introduce the value of money to children. I hoped they can see the real worth beyond the dollars and cents of their allowances.

1) A boy came to see me just before my remedial lesson, claiming he had not eaten his lunch. Upon questioning, he revealed that he spent all his money (meant for both recess and lunch) during the 30-min recess on that particular day.

2) I noticed on many occasions, especially on CCAs days, students liked to visit the 7-Eleven store outside gate C. Then they returned to school with a cup of noodles, a cup of marsh potatoes and/or an icy-drink. Now, these luxuries could set them back by at least $1.00 each and they were high in oil, salt and sugar. But for some reasons, the children found them delicious. These students had a healthier and cheaper alternative in the school carteen. A nice meal costed $0.60 to $1.20 and a drink (example, a packet of peach tea) costed $0.60. 

It seemed to me that students were lacking in self-budgeting skills and prefered instant gratification. The teachers could teach them to count, but I believed parents could help by teaching them the importance of saving.

Here are some links and articles that you can read at your leisure.

b) This is a shorter article but has a good action plan.

After all, saving is a good habit that goes beyond exams and into adult life.

Thank you and regards,
Mr Lee

Saturday 24 March 2012

Science - revision using MCOnline

Dear 4G pupils,

We learnt about the digestive system as well as some other human body systems last term. In order not to forget the lessons you've learnt, I've prepared some activities on MCOnline for you. 

Login to http://www.lead.com.sg and look for "P4 Science Term 2 Week 1". There are four items: Exploration 1, Exploration 2, Activity and Quiz. 30 minutes should be ample time for you to finish going through the four items. They will be available until next Sunday, 01/04/12. Please try to do it as soon as you can so that you will not forget. 

Back to our current work, I hope that the pupils who were to 1) sprinkle a scoop of water into their Vermicomposting bin and 2) collect worm tea on Friday did their job during recess time. Please read your TB on "What is Matter?" in preparation for Monday's lesson. 

Lastly, here's a gentle reminder to be responsible for your own learning by packing your schoolbag according to your timetable. There is no reason why you should forget to bring your textbook for any lesson. 
To those of you who still owe me any Activity Books, Process Skills worksheets and Nature Study book, please bring it on Monday

Thank you for reading and I hope you have fun revising using MCOnline! Please leave your comments below if you have any. See you all on Monday :)

Term 2 Week 1 - Maths Homework

Dear Students,

Welcome back to another new term! We have just completed our 1st week of Term 1. Some of you would would have new partners as I have changed your classroom seating plan. Please help each other in your school work and take down important notices and tell your partner if he/ she was absent in class.


We have completed 2 topics this week: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions. Homework to be handed in on 26 Mar (Monday):

Maths Workbook Practice 2 Improper Fractions (Pgs 85-88)

Please do all corrections. To pupils whom I have spoken to regarding the corrections not done - please complete by Monday and show them to me.

Thank you.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Science - announcement

Dear 4G pupils,

I informed you last Thursday that there may be a change in your timetable. This has been confirmed.

Music will be on Thursday, 9.15-10.15am.
Science will be on Monday, 9.15-10.15am, as well as on Friday, 8.15-9.15am.

This means that you should bring your Science Textbook (Cycles) on the first day of school, next Monday. Please also bring any item (Activity Books, Process Skills worksheets, Nature Study Book and/or Green file) that you need to submit on Monday.

I understand that you are in the process of changing to using pens in your work. However, please continue to bring pencils to school. Please also be responsible for your own learning by packing your bags according to the timetable given to you. Thank you for your cooperation.

Looking forward to seeing all of you again on Monday,
Ms Chew :)

Thursday 15 March 2012

Learning Journey to the Zoo! - 29/2/2012

Dear 4G pupils,

Here are your long-awaited photos! :)

Arriving at the Zoo

Flamingos that we saw while walking along the trail

Zebras! (yes, many of you screamed)

The rhinoceros... that had a "nice" scent :) 

Our tall friend, the giraffe, was munching away.

Butterflies in the enclosure!

Rayson was brave to let the butterfly take a rest on his shoulder. 

Caterpillar - the larva stage of a butterfly

Twirling the millipede around her fingers - it was quite ticklish!

Taking a look at stick insects and the tarantula.
Don't worry, she didn't take the tarantula out!

Elephant show! 

An elephant being cheeky there... 

Keep your eyes peeled for some announcements over the weekend!

Saturday 10 March 2012

English assignments on mconline

To all students and parents,

4G students had been given 2 comprehension homework and a dictation to study during the March holidays. There is composition 02 (titled: The Accident)  corrections to be done as well. If time permits, they can also try out the English assignments on mconline.

The login method will be no different from the way they access the Maths assignments. There will be 2 folders for the English work. Students can try out the online tests to test their mettle, which will be avalidable until 18 March 11.59pm.

Thank you and regards,
Mr Lee

Holiday Homework and Announcement

Dear Students,


1) MCOnline
Please login to MCOnline website http://www.lead.com.sg and complete the 2 tests (Section B questions) by the closing date. I've shown you how to login to this website using your account in class yesterday. Closing Date: 19 March (Monday).

2) Continual Assessment 1 (Hardcopy Pg 17 to 26)
A copy has been passed to you yesterday. Please hand in on 19 March (Monday).

3) Chapter 4: Tables and Graphs Worksheet 1 (Dateline: In class yesterday. Please submit on 19 March if you haven't done so.)

4) Chapter 4: Tables and Graphs Worksheet 2 (Dateline: 19 March - If you were not able to finish it yesterday.)

5) Corrections (from Workbook, Worksheets and Test Papers)

6) Maths File - Go through the checklist. You should have all Worksheets till Chapter 3 and the 2 test papers filed and signed by your parent. (Submission Date: 19 March)


1) For students whom I have passed the CA Cards to yesterday - Please return them to me with parent's signature. Latest: 19 March (Monday)

2) Remedial Lessons in Term 2 - Starting in Week 2. (Consent forms to be handed to selected students when term starts.)

3) Have an enjoyable 1 week holiday and see you back in school on 19 March!

Friday 2 March 2012

Maths and Class Announcement

Dear Students,

Please spend this weekend to prepare for your Maths Test 2 on 5 Mar (Mon). We've postponed the test so that you can have more time to prepare for it. We've gone through revision of Chapters 3 and 4 in class. So, I hope all of you will put in your best effort and do better this round. Maths Test 1 (50%) and Maths Test 2 (50%) will give you your final score of 100% for this term's Maths AA result.

In this coming week, I'll be looking forward to meet your parents on 8 Mar (Thur) and giving out your Continual Assessment Report.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Wk10 Dictation passage (shortened) for those who lost their spelling list.

Tanya’s mouth was agape with horror. She was totally petrified with fear. Her heart almost skipped a beat when she saw the victim. She was appalled at the sight. The victim was grimacing in agony as her leg was caught in between the car tyre. The other victim sustained superficial injuries.
She flushed red in anger with whoever was the cause of this mishap. The culprit should be apprehended!