Tuesday 27 March 2012

Teaching children dollars and sense - 01

Hi Parents,

Some incidents made me wanted to introduce the value of money to children. I hoped they can see the real worth beyond the dollars and cents of their allowances.

1) A boy came to see me just before my remedial lesson, claiming he had not eaten his lunch. Upon questioning, he revealed that he spent all his money (meant for both recess and lunch) during the 30-min recess on that particular day.

2) I noticed on many occasions, especially on CCAs days, students liked to visit the 7-Eleven store outside gate C. Then they returned to school with a cup of noodles, a cup of marsh potatoes and/or an icy-drink. Now, these luxuries could set them back by at least $1.00 each and they were high in oil, salt and sugar. But for some reasons, the children found them delicious. These students had a healthier and cheaper alternative in the school carteen. A nice meal costed $0.60 to $1.20 and a drink (example, a packet of peach tea) costed $0.60. 

It seemed to me that students were lacking in self-budgeting skills and prefered instant gratification. The teachers could teach them to count, but I believed parents could help by teaching them the importance of saving.

Here are some links and articles that you can read at your leisure.

b) This is a shorter article but has a good action plan.

After all, saving is a good habit that goes beyond exams and into adult life.

Thank you and regards,
Mr Lee

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